When James Hill got in touch with us to ask if we could organise a day out on a nice yacht for him and his friends, we were delighted! Of course we could! These friends we learned, included reality TV stars Josh Ritchie, Omar Sultani and Max Morley, winner of the 2015 series of ITV2 smash hit, Love Island.
After a brief chat, when James explained that there would be 16 in the group, we settled on a day out on the x 12 capacity 60ft Sunseeker Predator, in tandem with (accompanied by) our x 9 capacity Rinker speed boat. That way, whoever wanted to lounge around on the yacht could do so, and the sportier types could mess around on the speedboat with its wakeboard and waterskis.
The morning of the charter came. James rocked up first around midday to a reception of chilled cava, mouthwateringly fresh, sweet and juicy strawberries, watermelon, grapes, cherries and pineapple along with danish pastries and croissants. A classic Boats Ibiza breakfast! A few minutes later the rest of the mindbogglingly beautiful crew arrived and off we went, gold shorts and designer bikinis glittering in the sun, guided expertly by Captains Murphy and Shimona, towards our destination: Formentera.
One of the boys had brought, literally, his own fat sound system and the RnB blared out. Vodka and cranberry juice was the order of the day and yours truly was kept busy replenishing drinks and doling out sunscreen until we finally arrived at Playa Illetes, where the group had a lunch reservation at an exclusive (so exclusive we can’t reveal its name) Formentera beach restaurant.
There was some legendary faffing around, as the rocking of the boat combined with the effects of the liberal quaffing of vodka to produce some wobbling and a momentary reluctance to move from a stable, sitting position. But finally, this whole group of young, beautiful people valiantly composed themselves, stumbled heroically into the taxi boat and departed temporarily for dry land and their Balearic lunch experience.
Captain Murphy, Captain Shimona and I washed the dishes, tidied up and tucked into our own lunch on the Sunseeker, enjoying the gentle rocking of the boat and some quality conversation. A couple of hours later, James and his friends returned, fed, watered and raring for more yachting action.
We set off for Blue Marlin, with the group now in full party mode. The drinks flowed and the music pumped out loud. A more rollocking vibe was seldom seen, dear reader. We arrived back in the harbour of Ibiza Town around 9.30pm after a very exciting and it has to be said, eventful day.
Now we know what you’re thinking. Come ON. You go out on a Sunseeker yacht with a group of the Uk’s hottest reality TV stars and nothing scandalous happened? Are we telling you the whole story? The answer is no, of course we’re not telling you the whole story. Did outrageous and unmentionable scenarios occur? Yes, of course they did! Will we ever tell another living soul? No way José!!
What happens on a yacht in Ibiza, stays on a yacht in Ibiza. Right guys? 😉
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